The 2022 ENERGIRON® Licensees Conference took place on 26-27 September in Buttrio, Italy. The two-day event was officially launched on the morning of September 26 with […]
Danieli and Tata Steel in Europe are on a mission for the green transition. As part of the climate action goal to reach carbon neutrality by 2045, Tata Steel selected Danieli as technological partner for transition of the integrated steel mill in IJmuiden
DRI is not all the same: the product of Energiron Direct Reduction plants is the reference for what concerns DRI quality. Metallization can be guaranteed up to 96% and Carbon ...
This reduction is possible thanks to the Zero Reformer (ZR) process which is ready to use H2 and in its standard configuration, carries out the natural gas reforming....
During the last twelve months, Emirates Steel DRP #2 has set new production and availability records of more than 2,000,000 tons of high quality DRI, operating for more than 8,400 hours...